Dark Harmony

Written by Luna

Exercise has never been my forte, and participating in any kind of physical exertion activities

are dreadful for me. Sports festival was the worst time of the year for any student like me,

but I still couldn’t escape it, even when I knew that time of the year was coming. I could still

remember the terror of those days.

‘Hurry up, Scarlet! The mandatory marathon is starting soon and if we miss it we’re dead!’

‘Yes, I know.’ I grumbled under my breath as I approached my friend at the marathon trail

designed by our school. There were many different kinds of obstacles placed along this race,

though I’d rather call it doorway of doom rather than a competition, including hilly areas,

pools of sand and narrow beams of soil. I often found it ironic that so much effort would be

placed on such terrible activities.

In a mere glance, I was at the starting line; my mind was already wandering off. ‘It’ll be better

this year... I hope.’ Although I hate noise, the indistinct chattering surrounded me like a

shield to my own worries. My heart felt slightly more at ease that I was not alone. I tilted my

head upwards, glancing at the wide fields of green, a light zephyr brushed onto my skin.

Perhaps, it’ll be different?

A high-pitched screech from our PE teacher’s rusty whistle knocked me out of my daydream.

‘On your marks!’ The chatter stopped. Everyone got into their positions, keenly looking

ahead at the trail. I flopped my hands down, moving them like jelly. ‘Get set! Go!’ All 50 girls

within this 3-metre starting line shoved, pushed and sprinted their way across the field.

It has not been more than 10 minutes and I was already dwindling into a trickle of sand

among large waves. Getting through this is all that I could care for. ‘It’ll be over soon, Scarlet.

Just a once-a-year requirement.’ I told myself repeatedly. It seemed to be the only sound I

could hear. Now, I could begin to feel my calves complain, my thighs churning with heat. I

slowed down into a walking pace, hoping I’ll eventually finish this race somehow. The bright

green grass soon turned into a darker blue hue. The wind turned colder and colder, until a

short shiver clanked my teeth, snapping me into focus. The warmth from my legs

disappeared, finally experiencing the evening’s cold.

The wind blew a howling growl, as I stood in my place motionless. I could see no one, hear

nothing except for the voices of nature. As I rubbed my eyes, the tall grass around me

seemed to merge into wooden trees, towering over me like giants. ‘No, we’ve never held any

course with this layout. I’m not at school, where did I run off to?’ My heart began to be

brimmed with panic. I finally realised how sore my legs were, how late it is, how much worry

must have been poured into my parents and most importantly, how lost I am.

‘Hello? Anyone there?’ My voice drained out into oblivion. It’s useless, I must be deep in a

forest, no one can reach me. My only hope was that the forest rangers could somehow

reach me and send me home. Freezing, I tried to make a tiny fire, rubbing wooden sticks

together - it didn’t work. ‘At times when I really needed those skills.’ I clenched my fists

frustrated at the position I was in.

Creek. My heart dropped. I looked around me, there was barely any light and oddly, barely

any noise too. I would usually expect owls hooting into the night or frogs croaking, yet it was 

empty, almost like an entirely different space. Only occasional bone-piercing winds would dig

into my skin.

‘A new visitor I suppose.’ a shrill voice smeared across my ears, echoing like creaky bells.

Immediately, I snatched a puddle of sticks beside me, tightly clenching them in a defensive

position. My limbs were already shaking, my body shivering from the cold; I could feel my

flesh freezing like ice, like thousands of needles on my skin as I tensed my muscles. As I

bulged my eyes to peer into the dark, my voice cracked, ‘W-who are you?’.

Drip, drip, drip.

Suddenly, I felt a slight warming sensation in my hand sliding through. I

recognised this smell: blood. I stood there, petrified. ‘A... spirit, darling, don’t worry it’ll be

soon. You can’t go on hurting that body of yours.’

My mind began turning hazy, so many words I couldn’t fathom, or rather, didn’t want to

fathom. No, this cannot be my end, I still have people waiting for me. My legs took action.

‘Where are you going child? You’d be a perfect one.’ Her pure black silhouette towered

behind me; I froze. A deep dark aura trapped me in my place. Her slender arms wrapped

around my neck, her sharp claws began piercing into its flesh, deeper and deeper. The

oozing warmth blanketed my body; a stabbing chill entered me, as if it was seeping into my


‘W-why are you telling me all this?’ a sweet voice returned me from my memories. ‘W-will

you d-do this to me too? I-I thought you were nice.’

‘You see darling, after all that, everyone turns selfish. To heal my excruciating pain, a lost

sacrifice like you is nothing. Perhaps... it’s my luck.’


‘No, our luck. Don’t you think?’ our souls said in unison.

Crack. The young girl dropped dead; her crimson hue illuminating my eternal solitude. I

could finally feel the youth of my new vessel, and there I stood, waiting.

Waiting until another comes, again.


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