Hell Hound

  It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the season of Light, and the season of Darkness; the thriving community was getting prepared for the Ghost festival, ameliorating their french-old houses. Then there went the Browns, who had not decorated a single ornament on the house. Mitch, being the elder brother, was a quiet fellow, a bit dull and got omitted in school. Growing up with him was his younger brother, Nic, who was his complete opposite, being bright and bipolar all day. His stepfather, who always wears a beret hat and left with an old, dilapidated dwelling place, with two kids to rear, after their late mother had passed 5 years ago, from a horrendous wolf attack in the woods. Intriguingly their most beloved mother left two puppies before her passing, in which they call Bunny and Jake.

The Browns were so enthralled by the festival that they hardly feel tired adorning their dull, almost-monochromatic house. Mitch was going through the shed, trying to find a crowbar to pry the heavy boulder in their backyard, on the other side, Nic was starting to lose his temper after messing up the glitters on the jack o’lantern. His hands trembling from ferocity, as he stomped his way back to the living room mellowing out with Jake and Bunny. Meanwhile, their stepfather was out in the pool trying to tan, peacefully enjoying himself covered in excessive sun lotions. 

Like any other Sunday, everything was running monotonously. Out of the blue, Jake, who was smelling its fur, went outrageous, its eyes gleaming in cardinal red, its nails slowly being serrated, and grew twice its size. Jake got possessed! Furiously, it pounced on his stepfather who was going up the stairs, ready to wash off after a long tan. Its razor sharp teeth landed on his chest, and a river of blood poured out. Mitch’s stepfather was heavily injured and his wound was exacerbated by the corners of the stairs. 

He vulnerably reached out for help, but it was too late. His pulse was gone. His body laid lifelessly on the flood of blood, then Jake gobbled the whole body and left nothing behind, not a single remnant. It was a hard pill to swallow for Mitch, as he was stunned to see a pool of blood on the floor with his stepfather’s beret hat covered with blood on the floor. 

“Crash!!” The window to the front door shattered and Jake darted out to the streets, tormenting the neighbourhood. People quickly ran out to see what happened and found out that the hound came from Mitch’s house. Fueled with anguish, they barged into Mitch’s house; rummaging through the living room; vigorously crashing through his place. Mitch, who was scared and didn't know what happened to his pet, quickly ran upstairs. frightened and panting, he was left stupefied. 

Carefully, he ponders for the best way to convince the people that Jake was being aggressive because he suffered from arthritis. After hearing Mitch’s clarification, they decided to return back to their homes and pretended that Mitch just had a mad dog. Unexpectedly, Jake returned from the otherside of the neighbourhood with its gory look. Bursted with surprise, the neighbourhood panicked and started to accuse Mitch again. Jake darted through and started biting the riot but not Mitch.

This made them suspect that Mitch might have done some sort of witchcraft to kill his neighbourhood after being bullied in school. Mitch tried to explain that he didn’t know anything about black magic, however it felt as if his neighbours were anencephalic. It was an epoch of incredulity for Mitch. He couldn't exonerate himself from the irrefutable scene everyone just witnessed

Feeling threatened, Mitch ran to the woods where he hid himself, crying all alone, feeling alienated from his community. Suddenly, the bushes start shaking as a dark silhouette starts manifesting. It was Bunny, who was also possessed, its eyes shone with an azure colour. Growling deeply, he was ready to pin Mitch down. 

Horrified and tired, Mitch was obliged to run back to his neighbourhood. This time he was at his lowest point in life where he would be standing between the devil and the deep blue sea. Intriguingly, Jake could feel Bunny’s presence and started looking out for him. Jake must protect Mitch at all cost. 

After hours of being chased, Mitch finally arrived in his neighbourhood. Feeling exhausted, he carelessly stumbled upon a rock and lay on the wet scant grass. He couldn't get up and Bunny caught him by his leg. 

“Thud!!” there went Jake as it  pounced on Bunny; right in time before Mitch could end up in a wheelchair for eternity. The two hellhounds ferociously bit each other, bleeding heavily down their face, bruising one another. Mitch couldn't believe what he just saw and could only watch them fight til the end of their lives. 

Both Jake and Bunny seemed worn out, but they pursued their fight. The end was near, Mitch knew it. Slowly he watched his hideous pets take their final breath. It was the winter of despair in his life. 

After hearing that Jake and Bunny were killed, the whole neighbourhood came in to hurry Mitch to the hospital. Tears of joy slowly rolled down the people’s faces. They now come to consensus that Mitch was not guilty. 

The moment when Mitch woke up in the hospital, his brother told him about their dogs and their stepfather’s death, Mitch’s face stood still and his eyes were cold. The neighbour apologised to him, however he was relieved that everything went back normal. 

After Mitch had recovered, he and his brother came to their dog’s graveyard. While mourning, they spotted 4 wolves howling, one of them was huge and brawny, a mother, and 3 little puppies. Mitch then realised that it could be his family, so he bid his last farewell before they vanished into the dreadful woods.




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